A world where humanity has the freedom to be in control of its identity, assets, and data.


Empower everyone to achieve more by providing a truly decentralized open-source platform.


FAIR - æternity community values


Encouraging innovation & creativity fosters personal responsibility, promotes diversity, inclusion, and enables democratic principles.


Emphasize individuals to take responsibility for their actions & outcomes and to be held accountable for the results of their decisions and behaviors.


Embrace creativity & critical thinking to drive progress & advancement, successively stimulating entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial spirit.


Enable each other with kindness, empathy, and compassion. Recognize autonomy and agency, avoiding actions that undermine freedom, dignity, oppression, or coercion.


Where freedom meets innovation

Join the community

Build the future of Blockchain along with great minds from all around the world.

Join the Community

Join the æternity Forum to get in touch with the amazing æcosystem community members, engage in inspiring discussions, and join forces so you can start developing your own æpplication on æternity. We look forward to hearing from you!

Apply for a grant

The Aeternity Foundation (AF) is very much involved with the community! It supports and promotes the open-source development of the æternity protocol and surrounding parts of the æcosystem. The ACF promotes and rewards technical excellence and user-friendly applications focusing primarily on blockchain technology.

Let us know what you wish to build!

Develop the æcosystem

Regardless of your levels of developer aptitude, knowledge, experience, or background — all you need is strong motivation. Learn more and connect with the next generation of open source blockchain contributors on the æternity Discord server and stay tuned for upcoming hackathons.

Get Æ!

There are a lot of cool ways to get Æ coins and start your æcosystem adventure. You can get Æ using Superhero, accepting P2P payments via your wallet, doing swaps, completing bounties on Zealy, or buying on centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges.

Explore all of the ways to get Æ coins right here!

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